Legal Details

Middleware publisher

Corporate name: CLOUDCRANE
Legal form: SAS
Headquarters: 21, place de la République, 75003 Paris - France
Phone number: +33 1 83 62 72 86
Email address:
Capital stock: 1,200 euros
Registre du commerce et des sociétés (RCS) registration number: 819 697 145
Intra-community VAT number: FR21819697145
Publication director: Alexandre ALLOUCHE

Hosting company

CloudCrane, 21 place de la République, 75003 Paris - France

Personal data policy

Through the contact form of this website, we collect personal data so as to deal with your requests. The person responsible for the way that data is processed is Alexandre Allouche. If you wish to exert your right to access, correct or oppose the processing of your data, please write to

Icon and template credits

The icons were made by Freepik. Software license : Creative Commons BY 3.0. The templates of the website were designed by Bootstrapious (that template was ported to Hugo by DevCows) and by digitalcraftsman.